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Friday, September 07, 2001

In current events, President George W. Bush recently talked with President Vincente Fox of Mexico about the border problem. It is well known that many Mexicans have crossed over the border as illegal aliens. This has been an especially big problem in California and Texas. Americans do not like this because they think their jobs are in danger because of these people crossing over illegally and taking them. Although this might be true, I do not think this is the greatest problem. The bigger problem is from our neighbors from the north, Canada. Canadians have been crossing over for decades. Many have done it. Alex Trebek, Paul Shaffer, and Peter Jennings just to name a few. There are two main reasons for this. Have you ever tried to cross the American-Canadian border? It is so easy. You don't even need a passport. The second reason is because they can blend in so well. If no one told you they were Canadian, you might have never known. So don't blame Mexican for stealing our jobs. Blame the real troublemakers, Canadians.
posted by Charles Wang 11:34 PM | 0 comments

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