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Sunday, September 16, 2001

A few days ago I watched an all news channel having viewer comments. One viewer called in to say that people in California weren't sad enough for the events that occurred on September 11. It made me a little angry that he would say something like that. After thinking about it for a while, he might be right. Californians are sad about the event without a doubt. It seems that they are not as sad as the people in New York. Why is this? Is it because people here are more superficial? Is it because people here care less about others? Is it because people here are so self-absorbed that they have no clue what is happening to the world around them? No, I don't think it is any of these. This tragedy hasn't hit home for people on the west coast. We don't have buildings like the World Trade Centers that are symbols of freedom. For me, I have never seen the World Trade Center. I've never looked up at a 110-story building. I never had the chance to bask in its glory. Maybe 3000 miles and four time zones do make a difference. It's the same for disasters that we have in California. The east coast doesn't understand the devastation of an earthquake. They may see it on television and see how people are hurt and injured. They might send donations and try to help, but they don't truly understand what it is like. They don't know what it feels like to be afraid of any little shaking for the few months following an earthquake. Even a truck passing by causing the ground to shake will make someone scared. When it seems that we are insensitive at this time, we are truly lost and confused people who don't understand.
posted by Charles Wang 11:59 PM | 0 comments

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