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Wednesday, September 12, 2001

On September 11. 2001, the United States of America suffered one of the greatest tragedies on American soil. Terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.. Thousands are believed to be dead. Many Americans are shocked that such an event can happen here. In the midst of tragedy, Americans have come together more than ever before. People have started to comfort one another, people donate blood at blood banks, and donations are being made to the Red Cross and Salvation Army.
For an entire day, we were glued to the television screen. My parents woke me up at around 6:45am. They said the United States has been attacked. I saw the devastation on the people's faces. It was a surreal feeling. It was almost like watching a model airplane crashing into a model building except this was for real. I am not scared of this event. I am sad and angry. Most of all, I feel sick. I feel sick that people would actually do this. I feel sick because of the hate in this world. I feel sick that wherever we turn, we will see this tragic event. My prayers go out to anyone, which is everyone, affected by this tragedy. We should and will never forget what has happened.
posted by Charles Wang 10:09 PM | 0 comments

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